An esthetician selling skincare product

Mastering the Art of Selling as an Esthetician: Tips for Getting Comfortable with Sales

August 18, 20243 min read

As an esthetician, your primary focus is on providing excellent skincare treatments and helping your clients achieve their beauty goals. But when it comes to selling products or upselling services, many estheticians feel out of their depth. The truth is, selling doesn’t have to be intimidating, and with the right approach, it can become a natural extension of the care you provide. Here’s how you can get more comfortable with sales and start boosting your business.

Why Selling Is Important

Before diving into techniques, it’s important to understand why selling is a crucial part of your role as an esthetician. When you recommend a product or service, you’re not just making a sale—you’re enhancing your clients’ results and helping them maintain their skin between appointments. Your clients trust your expertise, and by offering personalized recommendations, you’re ensuring they receive the best possible care.

1. Start with Confidence

Confidence is key when it comes to selling. Believe in the products and services you’re offering, and this belief will naturally come across in your recommendations. Remember, your clients are coming to you for your expertise—if you’re confident in what you’re suggesting, they’ll be more likely to trust your advice.

2. Educate, Don’t Push

Instead of thinking of selling as pushing a product, approach it as educating your client. Explain how a specific product or service can benefit their skin, and why it’s an important part of their skincare routine. When clients understand the value of what you’re offering, they’re more likely to make a purchase.

3. Incorporate Products into Treatments

A great way to introduce products to your clients is by using them during treatments. For example, if you’re applying a mask or serum that you sell in your spa, talk about the benefits

Skin care products that estheticians sell

as you apply it. This not only demonstrates the product’s effectiveness but also opens the door to a natural conversation about purchasing it for at-home use.

4. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Engage your clients in a conversation about their skincare routine and concerns. Ask open-ended questions like, “What are you currently using at home?” or “How do you feel about your skin’s progress?” These questions can lead to opportunities for you to recommend products or services that address their specific needs.

5. Practice Active Listening

Listening to your clients’ concerns and goals is essential for making personalized recommendations. Pay attention to what they’re saying, and tailor your suggestions based on their individual needs. This personalized approach makes your clients feel valued and increases the likelihood that they’ll trust your recommendations.

6. Overcome Objections Gracefully

It’s common for clients to have objections when it comes to making a purchase, whether it’s about price or uncertainty about the product. Instead of seeing this as a rejection, view it as an opportunity to provide more information. Address their concerns calmly and offer solutions, such as explaining the long-term benefits or offering a smaller size to start with.

7. Offer Promotions and Bundles

Promotions and bundles can make it easier for clients to say yes to a purchase. For example, offer a discount on a product when purchased with a service, or create a bundle of complementary products at a reduced price. This not only increases your sales but also provides added value to your clients.

8. Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice your selling techniques, the more comfortable you’ll become. Role-play with a colleague or even practice in front of a mirror. The more you refine your approach, the more natural it will feel during real client interactions.

Selling as an esthetician doesn’t have to be daunting. By approaching sales with confidence, focusing on education, and listening to your clients’ needs, you can seamlessly integrate product and service recommendations into your practice. Remember, selling is simply an extension of the care you already provide—by mastering this skill, you’re not only enhancing your clients’ results but also boosting your business’s success.

Michelle Trolio is a licensed esthetician and digital marketing professional with over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. Originally licensed in 2004, Michelle has a deep passion for skincare, fueled by her own personal struggles with skin issues. After gaining hands-on experience in spas, retail cosmetics, and freelance wedding makeup, she transitioned into a successful career in sales and marketing. In 2024, Michelle reinstated her esthetician license to merge her two passions and now helps aesthetics' professionals grow their businesses through customized marketing strategies. Her holistic and personalized approach to skincare, combined with her marketing expertise, allows her to empower others to achieve success in the beauty industry.

Michelle Trolio, Licensed Esthetician and Founder of Esthetic Marketing Pro

Michelle Trolio is a licensed esthetician and digital marketing professional with over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. Originally licensed in 2004, Michelle has a deep passion for skincare, fueled by her own personal struggles with skin issues. After gaining hands-on experience in spas, retail cosmetics, and freelance wedding makeup, she transitioned into a successful career in sales and marketing. In 2024, Michelle reinstated her esthetician license to merge her two passions and now helps aesthetics' professionals grow their businesses through customized marketing strategies. Her holistic and personalized approach to skincare, combined with her marketing expertise, allows her to empower others to achieve success in the beauty industry.

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